typewrap module

exception typewrap.TypeCheckError

Bases: TypeError

Subclass of TypeError for type checking input or output exceptions.

typewrap.checkInputs(f: Callable) → Callable

Function input type-checking decorator.

Wraps a function with argument type annotations. When function is called, checks input arguments against annotated types.


f – Function with argument type hints to check


TypeCheckError – If not isinstance(argValue,argType)


>>> @checkInputs
>>> def add(a: int, b: int
...     return a + b
>>> add(1, 2)   # Works
>>> add(1, 2.0) # Raises TypeCheckError
typewrap.checkOutputs(f: Callable) → Callable

Function output type-checking decorator.

Wraps a function with argument type annotations. When function is called, checks output value type against annotated type.


f – Function with return type hint to check


TypeCheckError – If not isinstance(returnValue,returnType)


>>> @checkOutputs
>>> def add(a, b) -> int:
...     return a + b
>>> add(1, 2)   # Works

>>> @checkOutputs
>>> def add(a, b) -> str:
...     return a + b
>>> add(1, 2)   # Raises TypeCheckError